365 Days in Italy 2015 Wall Calendar

 365 Days in Italy 2015 Wall Calendar
Price : $9.33
Calendar: 28 pages
Publisher: Workman Publishing Company; 16m Wall edition
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 0.2 x 12.2 x 14.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 11.4 ounces

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An Italian getaway with every glance. 365 Days in Italy celebrates Italy, region by region, with dozens of full-color photographs by Steven Rothfeld and text by Patricia Schultz. Fields of sunflowers in the Tuscan countryside. Serene Lake Como. Gondolas docked along the Grand Canal. The clifftop villas of Capri; a tray of plump, just-made ravioli; fishing boats bobbing in the port of Portofino; creamy burrata; and touring Rome on a shiny red Vespa. Embrace the spirit of la dolce vita.

Patricia Schultz is the author of the runaway #1 New York Times bestsellers 1,000 Places to See Before You Die and 1,000 Places in the United States and Canada to See Before You Die. She’s also written for Frommer’s, Berlitz, and Access travel guides, as well as Condé NastTraveler, Islands, and Harper’s Bazaar. Her home base is New York City.
Steven Rothfeld has been a contributing photographer for European Travel & Life and a contributor to Bon Appetit and Travel & Leisure. Besides his own French Dreams, he is the photographer for such books as Entrez, and Patricia Wells's Trattoria. He is also the photographer for the 365 Days in France Picture-a-Day calendar with text by Patricia Wells, and the 365 Days in Italy Picture-a-Day calendar with text by Patricia Schultz.

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